Here you can see PUSD's most recent local spending plan, contracts with outside agencies/groups and average staff compensation. The information provided below is from both PUSD official records and third-party sources, both of which do not equate to PCW endorsement.
From 2012 to 2021, the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) stays steady in PUSD at around 33. The ADA drops significantly in 2022.
PUSD Service Cost/ADA vs. Labor Cost/ADA
From 2012 to 2022, the PUSD labor cost / ADA almost doubled from $5,835.64 to $11,811.33 while its service cost (including campus maintenance, A/C improvements, IT equipment and all) consistently remains around $2,000.
PUSD Labor Cost/Total Revenue (%)
From 2012 to 2022, PUSD's labor cost (salaries, pensions, health, and welfare) has continuously increased. PUSD labor cost / total revenue % increases from 73.98% to 83.87% - almost a 10% increase.
PUSD Financial Data 2012-2022
Year | Labor Cost Percentage | K-12 ADA | Total Revenue | Service Cost | Total Labor Cost | Service Cost/ADA | Labor Cost/ADA |
2012 | 73.98% | 33,520.29 | $264,400,036.75 | $68,787,667.15 | $195,612,369.6 | $2052.12 | $5835.64 |
2013 | 81.00% | 34,025.76 | $257,486,487 | $48,913,216.52 | $208,573,270.48 | $1437.53 | $6129.86 |
2014 | 75.69% | 34,377.78 | $292,691,441.91 | $71,159,016.71 | $221,532,425.2 | $2069.91 | $6444.06 |
2015 | 81.40% | 34,423.34 | $303,636,532.7 | $56,490,463.65 | $247,146,069.05 | $1641.05 | $7179.61 |
2016 | 76.08% | 34,542.53 | $353,457,941.03 | $84,559,194.03 | $268,898,747 | $2447.97 | $7784.57 |
2017 | 78.81% | 34,748.98 | $368,287,607.79 | $78,042,487.89 | $290,245,119.9 | $2245.89 | $8352.62 |
2018 | 82.38% | 35,144.46 | $367,497,370.87 | $64,741,034.1 | $302,756,336.77 | $1842.14 | $8614.62 |
2019 | 82.05% | 35,164.22 | $410,352,075.45 | $73,649,889.61 | $336,702,185.84 | $2094.46 | $9575.14 |
2020 | 84.55% | 35,361.08 | $403,825,760.56 | $62,410,331.76 | $341,415,428.8 | $1764.94 | $9655.12 |
2021 | 79.09% | 35,358.75 | $430,734,747.09 | $90,082,270.67 | $340,652,476.42 | $2547.67 | $9634.18 |
2022 | 83.87% | 33,144.82 | $466,756,307.29 | $75,271,969.43 | $391,484,337.86 | $2271.00 | $11811.33 |
[source: Transparent California]
PUSD Local Control & Accountability Plans
The Local Control Accountability Plan is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures of a school district to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities.
Highlights for the 2022-2023 school year:
- Total revenue projected: $475,803,912
- Local Control Funding Formula: $365,707,272 (77%) ($14,167,306 generated based on the enrollment of high needs students)
- Other state funds: $78,364,340 (16%)
- Local funds: $11,781,042 (3%)
- Federal funds: $19,951,257 (4%)
- Action 1.2 “SEL Professional Learning” $20,800
- Action 1.5 “Equity Teams” $80,000
- Action 1.6 “Inclusive Practices” $283,248 ~Action 3.7 “Equity and Inclusion” $5,200
Contracts and MOUs
Staff Compensation (based on average total pay & benefits)
- Superintendent: $385,956 (2020)
- Associate Superintendent: $234,312.50 (2020)
- Executive Director of Learning Support Services: $206,067 (2021)
- High School Principal: $196,629 (2021)
- K-8 Principal: $189,079 (2020)
- Teacher: $120,556 (2021)
- Director of Equity & Improvement: $96,331(2021)
[source: Transparent California]