How to Find My Child’s School(s) and School Zone(s)?
A tool for this purpose.
What is the Differences Between Charter Schools and Traditional Public Schools?
Charter schools receive public funding but operate autonomously of the established school district in the area through individual agreements (charters) with state or local governments, whereas traditional public schools must adhere to curriculum and standards set by the local school district. While they both offer enrollment that are open and free to the public, charter schools often have enrollment limits and flexibility in terms of instruction model that can be tailored toward specific student needs and/or types.
Please see here list of charter schools in North County. The following are located in Poway:
How to Make A Public Records Request?
An individual (parent, community member, taxpayer, etc.) or organization can make formal requests for school records (curriculum, emails, recordings...) pursuant to the California Public Records Act. California Law requires that the school district reply within 10 days.
In PUSD, a public records request (PRA) can be made to the Public Records Act Request Center via this link.
What Should I Do About Age-Inappropriate School Books?
- Let us know the book titles, their locations in PUSD (classroom, library...) and your concerns about them.
Contact the school principal with book information, concerns and questions. If a satisfactory resolution does not take place, PCW can offer some guidance as to next steps.
Coordinate with fellow parents and community members to attend school board meetings to voice your demand.
How to Get Involved in School Board Meetings?
PUSD Board meets at least once every month. We encourage you to participate in these meetings to monitor school policies and demand accountability and transparency.